Saturday, January 8, 2011

Was I too Angry for Craigslist?

You can post pictures of your wang and lesbians can post disgusting poetry but a few f-bombs stop Craigslist from posting my missed connections.
the email link still works but its certainly not up.  I'm angry and need to see my words somewhere so they are going here. Sorry to my one reader.

McBride Street. Friday Night 10pm. I had just left a friends house to head to go dancing at the Milky Way. You were driving a white car, It may have had a hatchback.

You pulled up behind me when i was approximately 1/2 block away from the bike path. this would be on the corner of McBride and Call St. Since I know how to properly bike with cars i gestured, using the approved bike signal for Left. (If you want to educate yourself I'm sure googleing bike signals will do the trick. And if you can't read and someone is dictating this to you there are pictures you can see if you go to the image portion of google)

Perhaps when i indicated that i was turning left you didn't see it. Where were you looking? I'm certainly not sure. Perhaps you were looking in the mirror giving yourself a pep-talk to get yourself ready to be an asshole. Maybe you are in fact blind and not legally allowed to drive, in which case...seriously? why is your passenger letting you man this vehicle? All i know is you attempted to speed around me only to slam on your brakes.

So I used the gesture again (remember? from above? when i mentioned google?) to indicate that I was turning left. I probably said it out loud because that's what i do ("I'm turning LEFT please don't kill me"). And you? What did you do? Do you remember? You. Did. It. Again. Not only did you do this again, you did it while i was behind a car at a STOP SIGN. Do you have any idea how unsafe what you were doing was? Do you have any clue? The fact you were driving like a douche bag and I have no protection except my helmet wasn't enough for you?

Car + Cyclist = Injury & Law Suit or Death.

And i say douche bag because we all know they are incapable of seeing and therefore shouldn't be allowed behind the wheel of a car. Sound like anyone we have been discussing?

After you tried that "intimidation tactic?" "waste of gas?" "pushing all the buttons and pedals available?" "asshole maneuver?!!!" that threatened my safety TWICE i told you to stop being so fucking impatient.

Look I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you drove me to swear but when people threaten my ability to walk or perhaps breath the air and live my life i get a little angry. When i did this you slammed on your breaks. Which was strange. Were you trying to scare me? In no universe would I ever be scared of two middle age lesbians. Mostly this is because I'm a tough as fuck queer in a bad mood and you don't know how to drive so I'm certain your hand eye coordination is way way off.

And you know what. I encounter assholes like you every few months. It sucks but occasionally drivers forget how to drive or just don't give a shit if they're driving in a way that is unsafe. What really irked me was when you sped up along the side street parallel to the bike path to say something to me in a bitchy taunting tone. Did you know that when you were rolling your window down and looking at me to further irritate me you weren't looking at the road? That is really one of the first things they teach you in drivers ed. I know because i have a license and follow traffic rules.

If i were any quicker I would have taken a picture of your license. Because the community of bikers needs to know you are out there. It's unfortunate all they have is "middle aged lesbians who wear glasses in shitty small white cars."

But it's a start. 

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